Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love of H

I love Hentai. I really do. Hentai manga, hentai games, hentai pictures, hentai anime. All of it. Am I a pervert? Well, of course I am. Duh

I just wanted to get that out in the open, I don't think enough people know that fact. Also, boobies.
Love those too. Like a lot. *starts to walk away, mumbling about breasts and their glory*

(I thought I had something relevant to say with this, but it escaped me and I really need to go to bed if I'm to wake up at 10. It's 2:30 here. Night.)


AniMerrill said...

Haha~ Well, thanks for letting us know.


And, yes, breasts are one of Gods finer creations XDD


I hope no one ever finds this comment. I almost linked to your page today too XD

Unknown said...

XD You did what?!